

Space Discovery: Astronomers watch a smart supermassive black hole in real time

Space Discovery: Astronomers watch a smart supermassive black hole in real time

Space Discovery: Astronomers watch a smart supermassive black hole in real time
Astronomers are witnessing a spectacle never before seen in the cosmos: the awakening of a supermassive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy. In late 2019, a team of astronomers ...
Genre: Science
Astronomers find three possible super-Earths around the nearby star

Astronomers find three possible super-Earths around the nearby star

Astronomers find three possible super-Earths around the nearby star
S-BGLS periodograms of YV2 for the star HD48948 focusing on three frequency intervals (7.3, 38 and 151 d). The absolute value of log P has no meaning; instead, the relative values ​​of ...
Genre: Science
Astronomers think they have figured out how and when Jupiter’s Red Spot formed

Astronomers think they have figured out how and when Jupiter’s Red Spot formed

Astronomers think they have figured out how and when Jupiter’s Red Spot formed
Larger / Juno’s enhanced image of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot in 2018. It’s likely not the same one observed by Cassini in the 1600s. The planet Jupiter is particularly ...
Genre: Science